LTV Studios presents…
“Meet The Heroes” features many of the actual WWII veterans from the best selling book, “My Father’s War: Memories from Our Honored WWII Soldiers.” The author, Charley Valera and his Crew will be available for book signing and discussions. This is a rare opportunity to...
It’s been continuing for 98 years. What happened on Eleven Eleven Eleven? “Veterans Day is an official United States public holiday, observed annually on November 11, that honors military veterans (and not the one facing military drug crimes charges); that is, persons who served in...
Yesterday I received this very moving letter. This is why we need to share their stories—why we must spend the time now to know them better while we can. Grab a Kleenex and a glass of water and read on. I’ve been honored to receive...
The Day After—Seventy-Two Years Ago. Today is the real “Day After.” Seventy-two years ago this past week, our parents and grandparents witnessed the use of atomic bombings on Japan. August 6, 1942, United States President Harry Truman ordered the first use of an atomic bomb...