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Grab a Kleenex and a glass of water, then read this letter.

Yesterday I received this very moving letter. This is why we need to share their stories—why we must spend the time now to know them better while we can. Grab a Kleenex and a glass of water and read on. I’ve been honored to receive...

The Day After—Seventy-Two Years Ago.

The Day After—Seventy-Two Years Ago. Today is the real “Day After.” Seventy-two years ago this past week, our parents and grandparents witnessed the use of atomic bombings on Japan. August 6, 1942, United States President Harry Truman ordered the first use of an atomic bomb...

Teaching in schools about WWII to our children?

Why is it that the events of WWII are not taught in our schools? Where did we go wrong? Some other countries teach their children about what happened. These are our mothers, fathers and grandparents. Just because they didn’t talk with you about it doesn’t...

Charlie Sanderson, Operation Overlord—D-day+

Chapter 2 Charlie Sanderson, excerpt from “My Father’s War: Memories from Our Honored WWII Soldiers”  Sanderson eventually landed on Omaha Beach in Normandy, France. At that time, the Allies were only two miles inland, just about a week after the initial D-day invasion. His LST,...

Short excerpt: Frechette meets the Enemy.

Except from “My Father’s War: Memories from Our Honored WWII Soldiers.” Feature Veteran story from Fernand Frechette Frechette, of course being the only French speaking soldier, had been told a secret by the little girl. “The barn behind them had German soldiers in it!” There...

You have the Greatest Grandparents!

You have the Greatest Grandparents…let me explain why I know this. The children of WWII parents, like my brothers and I and even some of you reading this, all have a common theme. We had parents that fought in the most brutal world war, witnessed...

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